Since the 1970s with the birth of neuroscience, the Monroe Institute, has been dedicated to the study and understanding of how the human brain works. Today we know that our two cerebral hemispheres preside over different skills and abilities: the left hemisphere governs the logical-rational functions (language, logic, reasoning, …); while the right hemisphere governs the emotional-creative functions (emotions, intuition, creativity, …).
Hemi-Sync and MSS Technology
Access greater brain potential
Albert Einstein believed that humans use only 10% of their brain potential
The cerebral hemispheres
Left hemisphere
Logic-rational functions

Right hemisphere
Emotional-creative functions
The condition of brain synchronization gives us access to the greatness of the Human Being.
We can use the brain to discover that we are not just our brains!
Making an analogy, we could say that we are to the brain as much as a listener is to a radio. The radio (like the brain) picks up incoming signals, processes them, and converts them into sounds, music, and words, just as our brains do, but the use of this information, its meaning, thoughts, emotions, and resulting actions depend solely on “the listener.” Man is much more than his brain.
It is very important to know how to use the capabilities of the brain well, just as it is to know how to use the functions of a radio. This is at least if we want to receive the most useful information to achieve our goal. Brain synchronization allows us to make the best use of the brain and its capacities, promoting the achievement of our goals, but it also allows us to go beyond and recognize ourselves as distinct from it. We at the Monroe Institute are convinced that Man is more than his physical body.
The radio analogy still serves us well-the different radio channels are like different states of consciousness. Changing radio frequency means changing the channel and the information received. The same thing happens in the brain, different brain frequencies activated in our brains (such as those appropriately tuned by the Monroe Institute) give access to different states of consciousness, perceptions of reality, and brain capabilities! Through the research and scientific study carried out by the Monroe Institute, we know how to activate beneficial and empowering brain conditions in us.
Brain synchronization and Hemi-Sync frequencies create conditions for constructive change in Man and his harmonic evolution.

How the technology works
Hemi-Sync technology uses binaural sounds, which are different sounds (tones) sent to each ear. The two hemispheres, thus stimulated, are activated and act in unison to “hear” a third electrical signal, thus creating a focused state of activation of the entire brain. A condition of“inter-hemispheric synchronization,” optimal for improving human performance. A condition that rarely occurs in daily life. Hemi-Sync (HS) signals are inserted into music tracks or integrated with verbal guides. They are available for a variety of goals: attention enhancement, creativity, stress management, yoga, meditation, pain control, healing, sleep enhancement, Out of Body experiences, just to name a few.
Hemi-Sync provides a key to access our brain’s natural but dormant capacities, through which we can increase our performance and achieve mental and physical well-being, greater control over our lives, and access to extra-ordinary experiences.
Act more effectively and easily
Specific combinations of Hemi-Sync and MSS signals, help people achieve very high levels of concentration and focus, “with the precision of a laser”: states of deep relaxation, enhanced states of awareness, peak performance conditions and other “extra-ordinary” states.
Improve the quality of your life
Hemi-Sync and MSS technology provides an environment that encourages focused attention and helps generate great awareness. Associated with our Intention, it leads us to more easily manifest our Total Self in all important activities, enabling us to live each day of our lives better and more fully.
Explore existence with awareness
Asking the important questions in life is not easy. Responding to you is time-consuming, requires time, concentration, willingness, mental clarity. Doing so is the first step in changing, for the better, one’s life. Hemi-Sync facilitates and accelerates this process.